Cystitis Patient Answers
My urologist told me that the internet has all the information I need to make informed decisions on any treatment – Here is a series of articles with information you may not find online, about IC:
Symptoms called IC can come from anywhere in the body.
A holistic approach to diagnosis and treatment is necessary.


Kay Zakariasen does not give medical advice or engage in the practice of medicine. Under no circumstances do I or this site recommend particular treatment for specific individuals and in all cases recommend that you consult your physician or local treatment center before pursuing any course of treatment. I am retired from 12 years of teaching and 25 years as a photojournalist at AMNH, Natural History Magazine. I have spent 4 decades reading the urological and other medical literature, surveying 1700 people diagnosed with IC,together with Dr. Elizabeth Kavaler and writing The National Women’s Health Network and Our Bodies Ourselves have supported the survey and published articles.